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Hand made masks for Foodshare!


Updated: Sep 11, 2020

The lovely Karen Stevens has kindly made us some reusable colourful masks to wear and donated £150 from the sale of masks she has sold. THANK YOU, Karen, from the Foodshare team.


'We are here to help'

Maidenhead Foodshare
Reg. Charity Number: 1142868


Unit 65, The Nicholsons Centre,  King Street, Maidenhead., SL6 1LL

We have a 24-hour voucher line where we are able to issue one emergency voucher to attend our Wednesday 5 pm or Saturday 10 am food collection. *Please note that emergency vouchers can only be issued if you are unable to receive a voucher in time from our various referral sources..
01628 262 711
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