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Holiday Hunger Support

Welcome to Foodshare's Holiday Hunger Support! Our mission is to provide families in need with the food and supplies they require during school holidays, ensuring that no child goes hungry.


Our story began in 2016 when we identified a dire problem: children going hungry during the school holidays. Although schools are able to provide meals during term time, families are often left to fend for themselves during the holidays. This is why we stepped in and created our Holiday Hunger Support program.


Through this initiative, we can offer families essential food supplies to make it through the school holidays without any struggles. Our aim is to help families who may not have the financial resources to feed their children, especially when they are not receiving their school meals. Our program operates throughout the year, making sure we reach families in need during all the school breaks.

At Foodshare, we believe that no child should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Our Holiday Hunger Support is our contribution to help eradicate this issue.


With your help, we can reach even more families in need and ensure that every child in our community has access to adequate nutrition all year round. Join us and become a part of the solution today!

hliday hunger maidenhead foodshare

Extra Support Needed

As our project continues to grow, we are seeking a dedicated team of volunteers to join us in our efforts. If you are passionate about making a difference and helping others, we invite you to get involved.


Please email: Debbie @Foodshare.Charity

'We are here to help'

Maidenhead Foodshare
Reg. Charity Number: 1142868


Unit 65, The Nicholsons Centre,  King Street, Maidenhead., SL6 1LL

We have a 24-hour voucher line where we are able to issue one emergency voucher to attend our Wednesday 5 pm or Saturday 10 am food collection. *Please note that emergency vouchers can only be issued if you are unable to receive a voucher in time from our various referral sources..
01628 262 711
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