Who to Contact

Foodshare Vouchers
Our foremost goal is to support everyone facing a food insecurity crisis. To ensure that assistance reaches those in need, we require a referral before issuing a voucher for food support. Vouchers are not distributed directly by the Foodbank; you must obtain a referral through one of our partner agencies or professionals. These include Housing Solutions, Citizen Advice, Social Prescribers from your doctor’s practice, Cranston, Family Support Services, Health Visitors, and Children’s Support Services. If you are already working with a support agency, your support worker may also be able to provide guidance and assistance.
Finally, you can call us on our voicemail system and leave a message. Someone will call you back within 48 hours 01628 262711
Please note that you will still be advised to get a voucher referral.
Volunteering & Donations
As a food bank, we work an out-of-hours rota. This enables working volunteers and customers time to support us and use our service.
Foodbank opening and Foodbank volunteering times:
Wednesday 4:50 pm - 6:30 pm and Saturday 8:50 am - 11:30 am
For volunteer enquiries, please get in touch with Debbie@Foodshare.charity
For donations enquiries, please email Debbie@Foodshare.charity
Fresh or frozen food donations, please contact Lester_Tanner@Foodshare.charity
For gift aid questions or enquiries please contact Nigel@Foodshare.charity
D of E enquires - please note we can only accept enquiries via email from the student and not parents.
Contact Debbie@Foodshare.charity